Saturday, 17 March 2012

Cattle Dock.

It doesn't look a lot at the moment, but, it will eventually become the Cattle Dock at Teignford.
Therein lies a story.I spend a fair amount of time scanning through books looking for suitable subjects to model.
A Pictorial History of Great Western Architecture is one of my sources and it was inside this tome that the plan was found. However, I could not make out the dimensions, such was the reduction for publishing purposes.
Here the power of the internet comes in. I belong to several groups and I put a plea for information on the GWR e-list. The writer of the book himself, Adrian Vaughan answered my plea and provided all the answers to my questions, even sending an enlargement for my use. Thank you Adrian, I hope my efforts will make the effort worthwhile.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Engine Shed-Completed.

 At long last and the use of much midnight oil, the Shed is complete.
It has to be mounted on an extra sheet of card because- as many elderly sheds found out- a 45XX wouldn't go into it! It does now-just. The extra foundation will be trimmed a little and a hut will be joined to the rear quarter when planted. There is also the matter of an access ladder, I have some but until fixed this won't be attached.
I looked at the vents atop the building and eventually, after scrapping much card and plastic, a brainwave. I had some featheredge plastic card- from Evergreen I think-so pieces were cut and filed to size and glued in. Then the whole lot was painted and is ready to become attached to it's new home.
 These views show my wonky application of the roofing slates. They are actually 00 Gauge Superquick, cut in lengths of two slates and stuck on, it's not until afterwards and the enlarged image from the camera that I realise Specsavers needs a visit.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Forming The Lay of the Land.

The card formers have been fixed to the end of the board and a master cut to join the next board. The platform edges have also been cut so hopefully there won't be too much of a gap visible when all fitted together . This hopefully will be at the next Group meeting.
The only thing to be done to the baseboards is a set of legs for the Fiddle yard, and another folding set for board two.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

First Buildings on Layout.

 At long last the first buildings have been placed, the platform area has also been covered with my favorite wet and dry paper-fine grade.
Looks a bit bear but with the Engine Shed well on the way and plans for a Cattle Dock marked out hopefully it will start to take shape.
To the left of the top picture the card formers for the roadway to the Dock are starting to be fixed, this time consuming job is one that I do in bursts as I have a spare couple of minutes.
This way I can adapt the ground rise and fall as I go.