No pictures today but a few thoughts! Teignford is at present being wired by my good friend Nigel. It has been converted fron a continuous circuit to a terminus to fiddle yard layout. This is mainly due to the fact that I could not get the curved Peco points to work properly. I am of the opinion that they are not true curved points- for this reason the layout has been changed as described in earlier posts.
However, this is being resolved and with Teignford booked to be exhibited in May things are moving on apace.The buildings are being built and new stock is being sourced. Allan at Worsley Works has produced a new 'B' Set coach kit -one of the original type that was made for the 3mm Society by Ian Kirk. They should be delivered soon after the current festivities and are eagerly awaited.
I have ordered some new etches of windows by Brian Golding, of Brynkits fame, which are of Bodmin station. I have it on good authority that these etches are the Bees Knees and will be used for Teignford and the next planned layout, an Ashburton type Terminus.
I am looking forward to the next Dorset Group meeting when hopefully the main boards and fiddleyard can be reunited and finally work as I had intended .Hopefully the first loco to traverse the rails will be my rebuilt Prairie Tank- Thanks Peter. This will be on the 7th January 2012 at our usual meeting place. If you would like to get details of this please mail me. Look tomorrow for this yaers Christmas Card!
However, this is being resolved and with Teignford booked to be exhibited in May things are moving on apace.The buildings are being built and new stock is being sourced. Allan at Worsley Works has produced a new 'B' Set coach kit -one of the original type that was made for the 3mm Society by Ian Kirk. They should be delivered soon after the current festivities and are eagerly awaited.
I have ordered some new etches of windows by Brian Golding, of Brynkits fame, which are of Bodmin station. I have it on good authority that these etches are the Bees Knees and will be used for Teignford and the next planned layout, an Ashburton type Terminus.
I am looking forward to the next Dorset Group meeting when hopefully the main boards and fiddleyard can be reunited and finally work as I had intended .Hopefully the first loco to traverse the rails will be my rebuilt Prairie Tank- Thanks Peter. This will be on the 7th January 2012 at our usual meeting place. If you would like to get details of this please mail me. Look tomorrow for this yaers Christmas Card!