Friday, 9 March 2012

Engine Shed.

 More card and a new knife blade see's the new shed cut out and the pieces stuck together.
Working the same way as for the Goods Shed, this has been made in exactly the same way.
The drawings are based on the size of Helston with the addition of a water tower  the dimensions of which have been taken from Tetbury but height wise is akin to Princetown.
Need to search the bits box for bits and pieces although I have found an old Superquick OO glazing sheet which has windows of just the right size.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The Finished Article.

 Well the second building is now complete and I am fairly pleased with it.
The tiling along one side is a bit wavy on the edge but to put it right will probably mean destroying the whole thing.
Now it needs to be positioned on the layout and bedded in eventually.
So- what next? The Engine Shed I think, have the plans of Helston but want the Water Tank integral with the building so will adapt a bit of Mortenhampsted  shed as well.
Let me know what you think.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Goods Shed Doors.

 This is the job I have not been looking forward to- oh and the roof also.
These little suckers took me best part of a day to mark out, cut out, score with planking and paint (two colours). Precision Light and Dark Stone if anyones interested!
When this was dry the door mounts were cut from Microstrip. These were superglued to the doors. When this lot had set, the carriage runner was cut to length- a square U section moulded strip- and the wheels were represented by thin discs of plastic rod- how many did I loose? Oh how we laughed-NOT.
These were Mek'd into the carriage runner and then the door hangers adhered with the same.
When this lot was cured- I hope you're keeping up-

the whole carriage assembly and hangers were painted with Railmatch Matt Black Acrylic.
This needs to be completely dry before I attempt to position them.
Oh- I did manage to remember the chimney- this i found whilst rooting round the bits box.
I also cheated with the windows, also finding some pre-printed glazing in the same box.
This is one box that I cannot do without- it would have cost a fortune to source the odds and ends that lurk at the bottom of these unsung treasure troves.