Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Bad News.

New Year and already it brings news we would rather not hear. I have been threatened with redundancy-again and today I learnt that the hall we use may not be available to us as the caretaker is also similarly threatened.
It is in the early stages but an alternative must be lined up . So our Group members are endeavouring to find suitable venues where we can pursue our pastime.
Hopefully some good news in the not too distant future-watch this space!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Worsley Works B Set.

Just recieved these stunning etches from Allan at Worsley Works. They are a kit of sides, ends, chassis and roofs for a GWR Diagram E147 B Set.
The tumblehomes are already formed and ready to be soldered together.
Whilst not on Allan's list of Scratch Aid kits, he has produced these for a couple of us after a request to him- try it yourselves, you never know, you may get that coach you wish for.
Enlarged below are the ends and the Battery Box etching. These are items that photos cannot do justice to.
The roofs are the standard aluminium
extrusions and need cutting to length.
Then all that needs to be done is affix the ventilatorsof your choice.
The chassis are fold up as normal after cutting to length and making a hole where the bogies need to be attached-simples!
I am looking forward to assembling these coaches- they will be part of the stock- all brass coaches for Teignford.