Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Turnout Control

This shows how the turnouts are operated. The on-on slide switch controls not only the wire that operates the point but changes polarity of the selected route.
The wire is a fairly rigid steel which is housed in a sliding fit brass tube which really only serves as a holder.
The steel wire is turned at 90degrees to locate in the centre hole in the PECO tie bar. The baseboard is slotted beneath to allow the wire to protrude.
I try and keep the operating wire at right angles to the point, this saves bends which may cause looseness in the operating mechanism.

Sunday, 4 September 2011


First picture of the main boards of Teignford. The two station boards are made from 9mm ply braced by 2x1 inch softwood. Legs are attached to these two boards. A horizontal extension, to the left of the boards, contain the point controls and section switches. There are not enough switches to justify a control panel,plus the wiring is considerably reduced.
The whole lot is controlled from 'HH' controller connected by 5pin DIN plugs. Board connection is by 15 way 'D' plugs.
The end board is designed to fold in half when not in use, this is 9mm chipboard supported also by2x1 softwood. At the moment this is supported on trestles but will have bolt on legs attached later. The fiddle yard is also the same material as the main station boards.
Next I will try and explain the method of point, or turnout, control.