Friday, 6 April 2012

Platform Lighting.

These have been discussed on my other blog. They are in fact Hornby Scaledale. When compared to the cast lamps in 3SMR's range, they are exactly the same height.
So these are to be the platform lighting on Teignford.
They just need repainting -dark stone for the lower part and light stone for the upper.
I will drill the bases for some wire to be  inserted so there is more of a mechanical fit into the platform.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Deverton- layout available.

Please look on my other blog for details of a 3mm scale model railway that has to find a new home.
See http/
Layout now sold.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Progress Part Deux!

 More pictures-could it be that I am running out of words as well as time?
The top pic shows the end of the loading dock.
The Engine Shed bridge is under that, One more abutment needs to be made- this hopefully will hide the baseboard join. Incidentaly the bridge is from a photo I took of one still extant on the Teign Valley line. This also had brick parapets on top of a stone base.
The lowest shot shows the huts in approximate position- no the one on the ramp wasn't spotted until I downloaded the pictures! This will hopefully hide the baseboard join between the bridge and abutments.Hopefully it's turned out nice again!

Monday, 2 April 2012

How far has Teignford progressed?

 Not many words today. Just some shots on how it's all shaping up.
The station board is almost complete where buildings are concerned. The fencing at the rear, using the Peco 'N' Gauge product  has been planted and the holes for the platform fence drilled.
For the time being the front of the layout will just be a grass bank until I finalise how it will appear.So for now the cardboard contours, previosly fitted,have been removed and a simpler arrangement planned.
More pictures next time.