Saturday, 28 April 2012

Stone Walling.

 The area surrounding the Signal Box needed some strengthening to hold back the earthworks.
So a stone wall is built to achieve this. Again its our old friend Metcalf that supplies the random stone card sheet. Although to 2mm scale random stone came in many sizes and doesn't look out of place.
The lower picture illustrates the Signal Box and Lamp Hut placed roughly in position.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Adding the ground Contours.

 Rather belatedly here are some pictures of the way I form the ground contours. Because of restrictions on getting the layout out of the loft, I am unable to have drop section baseboards.
This means all scenery has to be above track base. To facilitate this I use a system of card formers which are then crossed with thin card which roughly forms the ground contour.
The whole lot is then covered with several layers of newspaper  which has been coated with wallpaper paste. When hardened this forms a solid shell and is ,of course, very light. As seen I use anything to weigh the card down while it sets.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Teignford Part 3.

 A couple of views of the Station Building taken from each side of the Cattle Dock.
The one to the left is taken at the extreme of the scenic board, by the time you read this some weathering will have been applied to the Dock metalwork.
The lower pic is taken from the top of the lane approaching the Dock, it really seems bare at the moment but there is a lot of unfinished items to add.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Progress Part 2.

 I found some N Gauge fencing with gates at Bournemouth show recently. The etch included some gates- something we in 3mm don't have right now.
Although they are noticeably too low when compared to John Batemans superb etch, they are not directly in view so hopefully not too many will notice.
I tried to get a better image of the gates but the top shot is the best I could do.
The lower shot is a view from the Engine shed towards the Station Building. Again the grassed areas are Woodland Scenics fine grass.Fences are PECO N Gauge.