Sunday, 30 December 2012

Farmyard Barn.

 A couple more shots of the completed barn.
Please see for the complete saga of constructing this building.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Apres Flock!

 A few more pictures of the third board- hopefully the whole will be put together so an overall picture of progress can be shown-Soon!

Friday, 30 November 2012

Progress at Teignford.

 A few more pictures to show the progress made with Teignford.
The flock is Woodland Scenics T45 medium green.
The fine chippings are also by the same supplier.
The last picture shows The Jasmine Inn with a bush in position that masks a large drop of PVA evident in the photo on Dorset3mm blog.
The cess will be the next part tackled and more buildings to be made.
The dry stone wall next to the pub is a Hornby Lyddle end product.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

More Photos

You would be surprised at the amount of card needed to get this far. Next is to cover the whole lot with papier mache and mark the points where buildings are to sit.
The black strips are for mounting the fence posts which otherwise don't have a strong enough base.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Dorset Group

The Dorset Group September meeting is this Saturday, 22nd September 2012.
Usual place -The Pullman Coach-Avon Causeway Hotel, Hurn.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Monday, 10 September 2012

Westfest 2012

Teignford had it's first outing since being altered.
More can be found on my other blog at

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Diverted Traffic.

It has proved too time consuming recently to carry on with two blogs. I will from time to time update until I can find a way to amalgamate the two.
Please visit where updates will be posted.
Thanks for you support.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

First Show.

 The Salisbury MRC show at Wilton was Teignfords first public showing. With a respite from the rain a good attendance was achieved, indeed I believe that the numbers were up on last year.
The show was useful as a few glches were shown up and it has confirmed my belief that the end boards are too tight for satisfactory running. So a couple of new boards are in the making which will make the layout some fourteen feet long with an easier to use fiddle yard.
The two front boards ran well and need little addition once the bank opposite the engine shed has the dwellings fitted.
All in all a good weekend which turned out to be not as stressful as I had expected.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Little Devil.

A one piece casting in white metal captures the GWR Fire Devil perfectly. As part, or separately, of the Water Tower kit this piece of aparatus was seen all over the GWR network.
It does what it says on the tin- keeps water cranes from freezing up during the extremes of winter. A small fire was lit in the base to provide heat and hot air kept the water in the crane liquid.
Usually seen rusty, this example has been painted with Revell acrylic Dark Leather with a little lighter rust dry brushed over.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Engine Shed.

 With Teignford debuting on the exhibition circuit this weekend, I took several photos to see how the buildings had bedded in.
The camera is crueller than the naked eye and I am able to pick up things that don't seem quite right.
However, I am fairly pleased with these views and am considering how much more junk has to be scattered around this area before it becomes too cluttered.
Comments or suggestions are always welcome.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Teignford will make its debut at the Salisbury Model Railway Exhibition, Michael Herbert Hall, South Street, Wilton, Salisbury, SP2 0JS, this weekend 12th & 13th May. Open at 10.30 - 16.30 Saturday and 10.00 - 16.00 Sunday. Look forward to seeing some of the blog followers and wether it has been worth the effort!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Doesn't it always happen?

I was minding my own business the other day and suddenly the noise from the computer indicated that another post had arrived.
A tongue in cheek comment about my entries for the forthcoming 3MM Society AGM.
I have done a fair amount of modelling as those who follow this blog will know and some of it I am very proud of.
However , the rub is that all this modelling will be stuck to a piece of 16 inches by 3 foot 6inches of Swedens best 9mm ply as Teignford is due to be debuted at Wilton the previous weekend.
Apparently the committee are still out!

Friday, 4 May 2012

Engine Shed.

Before the Engine Shed can be planted, and the lack of access once it is in place, some groundwork- excuse the pun- has to be done.
here is shown the ash laid at the access to the shed. The path around to the messroom has been roughly delineated by the addition of some glue and earth colour Javis powder.Once the shed is stuck into position it will appear to rise from the earth, rather than just be sat on it!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Road Bridge.

 The baseboard join at the engine shed end is disguised by a hump back bridge.
If I have one weakness, it is not getting joins in scenery tight.
The abutments are meant to closely butt up against the bridge but again it is not as tight as I would wish. Still, I am pleased with the effect of the embankment shown right but needs a little more work which won't be completed before Teignfords' debut next month.
One thing I do need to do is test all the locos around the end board curve as it is tighter than the pointwork on Hennock.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Coaling Stage.

A quick piece of modelling produced this small Coaling Stage.
With a brick base the upper is braced wood.
A piece of Plastruct Steps moulding gives access for the loader and real coal is added  to the stage.
Again the restraining wall is from Metcalf random stone card sheet.
Placed almost opposite the Water Crane this makes a nice arrangement in front of the Engine Shed which needs bedding in.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Stone Walling.

 The area surrounding the Signal Box needed some strengthening to hold back the earthworks.
So a stone wall is built to achieve this. Again its our old friend Metcalf that supplies the random stone card sheet. Although to 2mm scale random stone came in many sizes and doesn't look out of place.
The lower picture illustrates the Signal Box and Lamp Hut placed roughly in position.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Adding the ground Contours.

 Rather belatedly here are some pictures of the way I form the ground contours. Because of restrictions on getting the layout out of the loft, I am unable to have drop section baseboards.
This means all scenery has to be above track base. To facilitate this I use a system of card formers which are then crossed with thin card which roughly forms the ground contour.
The whole lot is then covered with several layers of newspaper  which has been coated with wallpaper paste. When hardened this forms a solid shell and is ,of course, very light. As seen I use anything to weigh the card down while it sets.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Teignford Part 3.

 A couple of views of the Station Building taken from each side of the Cattle Dock.
The one to the left is taken at the extreme of the scenic board, by the time you read this some weathering will have been applied to the Dock metalwork.
The lower pic is taken from the top of the lane approaching the Dock, it really seems bare at the moment but there is a lot of unfinished items to add.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Progress Part 2.

 I found some N Gauge fencing with gates at Bournemouth show recently. The etch included some gates- something we in 3mm don't have right now.
Although they are noticeably too low when compared to John Batemans superb etch, they are not directly in view so hopefully not too many will notice.
I tried to get a better image of the gates but the top shot is the best I could do.
The lower shot is a view from the Engine shed towards the Station Building. Again the grassed areas are Woodland Scenics fine grass.Fences are PECO N Gauge.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Progress so far-1

 Sorry but I am going to bore you with how Teignford has progressed.
Extra fencing has been sourced and the platform is now enclosed.
Some of the corrugated huts have been planted and the weeds have taken a good foothold.
Some areMini Natur other greenery is by Woodland Scenics.
More next time.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Completed Signal Box.

 At long last the 'Box' is finished. The last pictures until it's been installed on the layout.
Based on the example at Nancegollan, the only difference is that Teignfords' box doesn't have a landing at the top of the steps.
Pictures show my model placed on a picture of Nancegollan - Quite pleased with the result- Comments please.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Stairway to signalbox.

Staircases always seem daunting. The ones that rise to the operating level of a signalbox are no exception.
I remember the days of placing each step against the handrails and with the third hand applying adhesive!
In 3mm its easy, just buy some Plastruct styrene stair and handrail. It says on the packet HO but then scales it as 1:100- result.
After the stair and rails are cut to length it's just a matter of running some MEK along the joint with a fine paintbrush and it's done. Some end uprights have been added but a few minutes work and we have the steps for Teignfords new Signalbox.

Saturday, 14 April 2012


These four 3mm Society castings took about an hour to complete.
Cleaning of a small amount of flash before undercoating, then letting it dry before applying the colour to these railway figures in dark clothing with white shirts. The flesh colour is by Humbrol and seemed to be the longest to dry.
These additions to a platform scene seem to take so much time but are a necessity to complete a scene.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Lamp Posts

The Hornby Scaledale lamp posts have been painted and the bases fitted with a pin to aid placement.
When looking in Adrian Vaughns book-GW Architecture, they do resemble a fluted post which is pictured within.
Just need planting on the platform

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Signal Box.

 Now for the tricky bit. The window aperatures and clapboarding have been made from various plastic strip and sheet.
This was then fixed to the superstructure with Cockpit Glue which seems to adhere most things. I intend to use this product to fix the etched windows to clear plastic as it dries clear.
The lower floor door still has to be opened out and the brick frames fitted with lintels and window sills- more brickpaper!

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Signal Box

 Boy what a difference an enlargement makes.
The Signal Box has been wrapped in brick paper and some examples of the windows are also included.
I need to attach the brickwork over and under the window openings and then commence the plastic work for the top half of the cabin.
The windows and doors as mentioned before are from Worsley Works. The nameplate has been lettered but by cruel enlargement it shows how inaccurate my lettering is!
Still it's going to do and at normal viewing distance doesn't look too bad!
The transfers for this are from the Ratio kit for 4mm but pass for use in 3mm. All sealed by acrylic satin varnish just waiting for the box to be finished.